January 6, 2012Comments
(1)Directory Submissions have been in existence for more than a decade now. It is considered to be one of the safest, easy and the most reliable link building methods. However with Google and other search engines updating their search engine algorithms very frequently, companies have started thinking out of the box and focus on other link building methods.
And one such technique launched recently by Directory Maximizer is Niche Directory Submission service. Imagine the scenario wherein you are able to submit your website or blog which is on financial services like insurance, loans, banking, investment, deposits etc to finance related directories only. Though finance directories may tend to get less volume than generic directories but your listing will stay on the front page longer and each link you get will have more “link juice.â€
Apart from this you will also benefit from backlinks from relevant resources which is extremely important as search engines take relevancy into consideration. And with more links comes other benefits like more targeted traffic and a boost in your rankings making your website/blog a hit in the online world.
But one question that might arise in your mind is Why would you consider investing in our Niche Directory Submission Service? Here are a few reasons why you should:-
We have shortlisted the best Directories in finance niche. Get high value links from the most relevant directories. Also our submission cost is at least 50% less than the actual listing fees charged by these directories.
Here are 5 sample directories in the list that you’ll get listed under:-
So get started with your niche finance directory submissions right away!
January 2, 2012Comments
(3)Hailed by SEO experts, webmasters, professionals the world over, directory submissions are considered to be the oldest and the most reliable method of link building. However with the rapidly changing scenario of search engine algorithms, link building tactics have also undergone a 360 degree change.
One such successful and highly acclaimed tactic launched recently by Directory Maximizer is Niche Directory Submission Service. Consider a scenario wherein you have a website offering superior products and services. However if your prospect customers are not able to find your website using the commonly used keywords, then it’s an utter waste of opportunity for you and your business.
However if you submit your site to directories relevant to your business, you can be assured of links from relevant sources which are more valuable than links from general directories. Apart from this you also get targeted traffic and quality link juice. Thus you benefit from more visibility and leave your competitors far behind in the SEO race.
But why will you opt for directory submissions when you can do it yourself?
Here are the benefits of partnering with us in your SEO efforts:-
One of the greatest advantages of using Directory Maximizer is that they can help you save a lot of money, because they have managed to get special rates from these niche business directories (most of the niche directories take a fee for listing a site).
Here are 5 sample directories in the list that you’ll get listed under:-
So get started with your niche business directory submissions right away!
December 25, 2011Comments
(0)Being in the field of SEO & Internet Marketing, you are sure to know the importance of links and how and why they are important. Getting quality and relevant links has never been easy, the good links are hard to come by and especially getting links for your SEO/Internet Marketing website and blog is quite tough.
This is where niche directories come in. Getting links from quality niche directories that list only SEO & Internet marketing related companies, websites and blogs can go a long way in helping your site rank higher on the basis of these highly relevant links.
So how and where do you get these links from? Well, Directory Maximizer has just launched a Niche Directory Submission service where they have compiled lists of SEO & Internet Marketing specific niche directories amongst various other niches, which you can use to submit your site to.
Why use Directory Maximizer?
Submitting your sites to directories can be done by anyone. However, there are some practical difficulties that you might encounter such as –
Directory Maximizer can also help you save lot of money, because they have managed to get special rates from these niche SEO directories (most of these directories, justifiably so, take a review fee for listing a site).
Here are 5 sample directories in the list that you’ll get listed under
So get started with your SEO related directory submissions right away!
December 19, 2011Comments
(0)The value of directory submissions is known by all of us and we have been effectively using it as a link building tactic. However, rapid changes in search engine algorithms are giving rise to new link building tactics.
Here’s great news if you own a blog as Directory Maximizer has launched a niche directory submission service for Blogs. They have shortlisted around 30 quality web directories that list only Blogs. It’s a great opportunity for blog webmasters to build links from within their own niche, given that these relevant links will possibly get increased value by the search engines.
Why it’s better to hire a Submission Service for your Blogs?
Submitting your sites to directories can be done by anyone. However, there are some practical difficulties that you might encounter such as –
Directory Maximizer can help you save lot of money, because they have managed to get special rates from these niche blog specific directories (most of these quality blog directories charge for reviewing and listing your blog).
Here are 5 sample directories in the list that you’ll get listed under:-
So get started with your niche blog directory submissions right away!