Directory Rating Page

Please read each question carefully and give your honest opinions and experiences with the directory you're rating. You are only allowed to rate this directory once. We have very strict policies about ratings so please read and comply with the rules below.

Before you continue, read these rules:

  1. You must have submitted a website that has been accepted into this directory.
  2. You must give honest answers to the questions.
  3. You are not allowed to rate your own directory.
  4. You must provide a valid email address for confirmation.

The ratings system is monitored on a daily basis. If you are found to be breaking any of these rules your rating will be deleted. If directory owners are found to be trying to manipulate the system their IP will be banned and their directory removed from the list. Thank you for keeping our ratings system fair..

You're Rating:

Your IP :

Your Details & Your Site's Info
Your Name
Your name will appear next to your rating and comments about the directory.
Your Email Address
Your email is not published, we just use it to confirm your rating of this directory.
Name Of Your Site Listed
The offical name of the site you submitted to this directory.
URL Of Your Site Listed
The must be the EXACT URL of the website you have listed in the directory.
URL Where Your Site Is Listed
The page where your site appears. Our scripts will check to make sure that your site is listed.

Directory Design, Categories & Link Options
Site Design
Give the design a score out of 10. 10 being really well designed, unique design and easy to navigate. 1 being no design at all really.
Extra directory features
Does this directory have an extra user features like tools, blog, news, reviews etc.
Number of listings per page
How many websites were listed on each page of the directory?
Number of categories
Do you think this directory has an adequate number of categories for the sites listed?
Link/Advertising Options
Does this directory offer extra ways to promote your site? Deep links, banners, permanent/recurring subscriptions etc

The Submission Process
Submission Process
How easy was it to submit your site? Did you have to hunt for the submit page? Did you have to register then add your site?
type="radio" name="submission_process" value="5"> Easy
type="radio" name="submission_process" value="3"> Average
type="radio" name="submission_process" value="0"> Difficult
Submission time (free)
How long did it take your website to get listed for free in the directory?
Submission time (paid)
How long did it take your website to get listed as a paid listing in the directory?

Traffic, Staff & Value for Money
Directory staff
You would you rate your dealings with directory staff? Were your emails answered on time? Were they professional? If you didn't deal with directory staff, choose N/A.
Value for money
What do you think of the directories pricing? Is the price to high for the traffic/PR? Are feature listings good value?
Has your website received any traffic from this directory? (per month)

Overall Ratings & Your Comments
Would you recommend this directory?
Would you recommend this directory to other webmasters and website owners?
Overall, is this a positive or negative rating?
Please select whether your rating is positive or negative.
> Positive
> Negative
Your overall score
So whats your overall score for this directory? 1 being the lowest, 10 highest.
Do you have any additional comments you would like to add about this directory?
Anti-spam question: What is 200 + 5?